We love our work!

Our team handles each item with extreme care. We take it seriously that our Consigners have entrusted us wtih items that represent memories and milestones. The first dance recital, the first communion, transition between school grades, all those expensive first outfits from Grandma, decorating themed bedrooms to stimulate development and so much more.

We understand the sentimental value attached to each item, and we handle them with the utmost care to respect and preserve those precious memories for our Consigners.

Click on the picture below to view our Infant Collection

And take a look at our featured high chair!

Get To Know Us

Get ready to rock kids' fashion and gear at OOLABE - the eco-friendly spot. Join us as we revolutionize shopping for baby and kids' clothes and gear, making sustainability stylish without the stigma of second-hand items.

Our mission at OOLABE: quality, affordability, and sustainability coexist harmoniously in every item we offer.

Why Choose Us? OOLABE offers a quirky selection of pre-loved kids' clothing and gear, adding flair to your style while saving the planet!

Choose OOLABE, join our community of child and eco-lovers! Explore our curated products, connect with us, and inspire others to make mindful choices. Follow our sustainable journey on social media!

Check out our curated collection, find valuable resources, and enjoy sustainable parenting with OOLABE. Join us for eco-friendly style for little ones!

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